We once lived in a house in Cedar Rapids, Iowa where we frequently experienced light switches turning themselves on and off.
My girls were very young at the time. My youngest, who was about 7 at the time, absolutely, positively could not be dragged either upstairs or down to the basement!
In an attempt to rule out faulty light switches, I replaced the ones in question with new ones, that had very stiff actions.
And guess what? They would still turn themselves on and off!
This house had an incredibly creepy feel to it. We did some research on the property and found that it was the foreman's house at a time when people who worked in the local industry were virtually all indentured servants.
The house was built in 1886, just at the end of the Civil War.
We frequently experienced dark shodows in brightly lighted rooms, and our pets couldn't tolerate being indoors for any length of time before they would start to whine and scratch at the door to be let out.